scukoo my flang- to stick something big and pointy in ur penis hole
Mark- Last night i was kidnapped and raped and the man was about to scukoo my flang

Matt- Did he do it?

Mark- Yeah! NOw my penis hole is the size of my my eye=

Matt- Sucks for you !
by Mark Sherr & Matt Nelson July 6, 2008
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“Fuckin look at that entitled Karen over there taking up all that room, flange flaring. Put ya legs together, no one needs a minge being aired out on public transport
by ChampagneSupanova September 4, 2023
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Cervical opening within the vagina.
Flange gasket is at full stretch, gloves are on!
by Browsaway November 14, 2017
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A very versatile word the can be used in any situation as an insult or just a filling word . It has a very secret maining that should be thought as, as dirty or funny.
by THEURBANDOCTOR February 15, 2018
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A sudden and unexpected emotional explosion by a woman.
Hey Dan, Sarah found out that you’ve been banging her sister. She’s going to flange bro.
by Djdmh October 23, 2017
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flange is an industrial product used in pipes for joint requirement of two pipes.. it is used for connecting pipes.. it is made up of steel, carbon steel, metals, plastic etc.. etc..
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