A very specific type of dark brown shit
Me: do i have to flush the damon mum!
Mum: yes, flush that dirty shit down the drain you motherfucker!
by Motherfucker6924 September 13, 2021
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Wow Damon, yeh he’s a bit of a cunt
by SteveJobsDude April 14, 2022
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When a person (usually a boy) puts another person (usually a girl) high up on a pedestal. Usually resulting in them ruining themselves over the fact that the person most likely isn’t interested and ruins their relationship with them and/or ruins their relationship with their friends, significant other, etc.
Jordan? Yeah he’s in the Damon effect with Hailey.
by Sippitysipsip January 17, 2018
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Damon Robert Foster is a highly atractive man with a juicy ass. He can be found in his house playing roblox. Some notable features of Damon Robert Foster is his big ass, his luscious beard, blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He spends most of his time playing roblox and/or minecraft and jacking off. Most of his social interactions are via Discord. He is the tallest man alive and is even taller than Joaquin even though hes like 8ft tall. His arch nemisis is Mohammed Sanogo. Being half white and black he is able to have powers that Mohammed doest. Having both the power of light and dark his arch nemisis Mohammed has no chance. Mohammed being injured recently to Joaquin's fire ass roast is still recovering in a place very far away known as North Carolina. The Damon Robert Foster continues

by bruhbops July 24, 2020
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He got a HUGE penis, he’s that guy, and he’s sexy and he’s romantic, u will have to kill him to get him mad or beat him in codm he’s a nice guy and he’s daddy that’s it
by Lmaoo kid November 22, 2021
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The act of a white British guy rolling (specifically using a torn off corner of Rizla pack for a roach.) and smoking a joint.
I say! How about we retire to the smoking room for a couple "Damon Al-Bun's" my old chap?
by Plasma Sonico Boom August 11, 2019
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A burnt black jew whose ashy elbows activate the power of vishnu's fat wet penis. When he rubs his magical elbows together, eveyone withing a fifteen foot radius get covered with a thick layer of golden, sticky, hindu cum.
"Oh no! Damon J is hella gay!" "He rubbed his elbows together and now i'm moister than a tube of bengay!"
by RootinTootinPutin🇷🇺 September 27, 2018
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