A douchebag, faget, who fantisizes that random people like him. You can't help but hate him. His face is repulsive. It's very likely he has a smaller version friend of his named Jacob who, like I said, is just a smaller version of this fool.
Cody: OMG Jacob we are so much alike!
Jacob(scrawnyvoice): I know no wonder everyone hates you!
by everyone'sbitch January 17, 2009
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A person with a extremly tiny penis that is so small it crawls inside of there body. They usually get the chicks untill they whip out there dick, which is really nothing. Also have a horrible case of acne and never showers. Some may know how to play guitar and wear skinny jeans. Always a duche.
Guy1: Man did you hear about that asshole Cody?
Guy2: Yeah, he got a chick into the bedroom with guitar skills and skinny jeans but when he took off his pants there was nothing to be seen.
Guy1: Yeah that faggot.
by GCJKTNJ January 14, 2011
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A person whose insecurities are personified by a lack of t-shirt wearing, excessive cock intake, and a machismo attitude to cover up his inner homosexual demons. Often referred to as a cockgobbler.
1. Person 1: Man you're such a cody
Person 2: No way, you're the cody
Person 1: You're totally right! I love the cock
by NotCodyoranyoneconsideredaCody December 14, 2008
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A disgusting person who has fantasies about cheese and has a neckbeard
by CodyIsAChump October 25, 2016
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Lover of the porn industry and loves women to the upmost desire. But can still get down whith men if we feels frisky
Man he is such a cody

Cody really likes porn
by Panda slayer? June 20, 2016
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A person who is generally a chick repellent. Has the ability to turn off horny women and make women run in disgust. It is advised you stay away from these people unless you enjoy life without females. It can also mean the act of being a chick repellent.
Bob: So I was talking with this new chick. She seemed pretty in to me.
Joe: Cool, so you get her number?
Bob: No. My ugly neighbor came and pulled "a Cody" and she ran away.
by HooShawNaw June 25, 2009
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