1. When something is Cool ( not tempterature wise)
" Tommy what are you doing today?" " not much just going to the beach" " That's chill."
by Emily Zuggini July 2, 2005
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adj. Used to describe a person that excels in popularity.
Ex: Did you go to that party at Mick Foley’s? He is the Chills.
by erica the chills chills October 17, 2008
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crappy word

used to describe a sound deal


Guy #1: gt an ounce man
Guy #2: tht's chilled dude
Guy #1: wot?
Guy #2: chilled.. y'kn-
Guy #1: -Go away

by HighGuy March 27, 2007
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A phrase that the youtuber flamingo or Albert (formerly known as Albertstuff) Says to calm down and now you can use it too
by ChillStill February 7, 2020
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Who says two bros can't get together and watch a little Grey's Anatomy without the preconception of sex? Netflix and Chill without the chill is the simple yet classic act of two people getting together to watch Netflix and relax.

NETFLIX AND CHILL WITHOUT THE CHILL // "Without the chill. But still cool"
Bro 1: "Hey man! want to come over for a little Netflix and Chill without the chill?"
Bro 2: "aww no dude I'll pass on this one. I think your great and all that jazz but I'm a straight man."
Bro 1: "Oh no dude this is a chill free Netflix experience. Without the chill. But still cool"
Bro 2: "Oh well in that case, lets get cracking! I heard the new season of The Bachelor is up there!"
by Gregarious April 1, 2016
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What to do with a hot cup of coffee before you drink it.
Just let the coffee chill. Or else it'll burn your tongue and you're gonna have a bad time.
by sukebe December 15, 2006
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Caming chair + Tailo Gato + weed + comfy location = chille
A: "Nigga, I got a camping chair, some bud and my tailo gato. The location is pretty sweet, too."

B: Nigga, voll am chille.
by Patrick666jesus July 17, 2013
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