A seemingly fake plastic smile (popularized by members of the Brady Bunch) that one can't get rid of due to either an extremely happy moment or at times prompted by embarassment.
1. After the hot guy from work asked me out for a drink, I drove home with a total Brady.

2. Couldn't shake the Brady when I realized my dress was stuck in my underwear as I ran to catch the bus.
by Cherelle 13 July 26, 2008
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To swing the door back and forth to get smoke or other foul substance out of a room.
Hey, could you brady the door? I can't breath with all of this smoke in here.
by ~Stephanie October 17, 2007
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Hollow pointed bullets, commonly referred to as "hollow tips". Used especially, in reference to assaulting officers, as hollow tips can pierce body armor.
"I equipped my clip with them bradies, officer. You ain't got shit, son"
by Charlie Moore June 7, 2006
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brady is the cutest boy you know. he didn't get your attention at first but once you started catching feelings, you knew you wouldn't lose them. his big blue eyes sparkle like the brightest stars. when he smiles your heart melts or whenever he says something you just can't stop smiling. he's so cute, but especially when he knows that he did something wrong but makes this adorable face, it makes him even cuter. he's so smart and kind that it amazes you so much. his cuteness just makes you wanna hug him so tight. he has like a million sweatshirts and you just wish that he could spare one to you. he;'s chubby but in an adorable way. he is your big teddy bear.
oh my gosh, brady is cute and amzing. his eyes shine like the ocean in the sun
by ilbac February 6, 2020
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A shithead who think he funny but acts like a dumbass to get people to like him. An obnoxious fuck who should go suck a dick cuz he too fucked to get a girl. Straight up annoying bitch so leave cunt
Brady Will is such a faggot, I hope he gets in a coma
by 0zzie April 25, 2019
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A person who gorges themself on food at all times, and is a premature ejaculator.
He was bradying last night when he prematurely shot his load to a picture of french fries.
by klieg2323 October 23, 2011
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