Was created as a Debian fork specifically intended to make penetration testing on the “Universal Operating System” have a simpler setup process. You just plug and play. BlackArch and Pentoo would be comparable distributions.

Nowadays the butt of many jokes among the Linux community as its users are often seen as script kiddies. r/KaliLinux is filled with demonstrations of what happens when you make an absolute beginner the sysadmin of what’s essentially just Debian Unstable (hint: nothing good for them, but funny for us).
Bob: Ethical hacking is how I pay the bills. I use Pentoo consistently for purposes that aren’t running 10000 different Wine applications - I.e. finding any security holes that some kid using Kali would try to exploit and stopping idiots trying to hack my clients. Please, take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why you even installed Kali.
by E hates Q April 17, 2022
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An annoying person that whines about how they keep screwing up the Windows OS, and then say "wow linux is so cool" and get bored with their system...
The linux user had made another urbandictionary definition about how much Linux is better than windows
by Wooh00 December 19, 2006
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Whenever someone who uses linux encounters a problem with their computer, be it completely unrelated to anything linux, everyone around must laugh at and ridicule them for using linux.
- My discord keeps crashing, there is some sort of a memory leak in the chromium engine!
- Wow that is a certified linux moment... *laughs maniacally*
by ciekmer December 22, 2022
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A complete fucking down-syndromed cunt, who thinks he's above everyone and better than anyone.
Usually sucks 20-50 cock a day and also takes cock into his ass.
by ZHONIAX March 30, 2016
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Lagging the fuck out because you "installed kali linux".
Jack: Have you heard of li-!$£!^&$£%?
Tom: Jack, have you been kali linuxing again?
by coulrulner January 22, 2022
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