A girl who has so many piercings in her face she looks like a piece of metal from the junkyard
Damn that bitch looks like a female robocop , let's call her metal head.
by Santasquad100 September 25, 2023
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Metal music that sounds like what you'd get if you put a bunch of gorillas behind some instruments. Usually described by gatekeepers as "real metal." It is essentially the metal version of butt rock, but significantly less commercially accessible. Gorilla Metal can quickly be identified by the use of 7 and 8 string guitars to make up for a lack of creative writing ability, tasteless drumming that consists mainly of smacking the kit as loud and frequently as possible, and mainly screamed vocals. If there are clean vocals, they are certainly autotuned garbage.
Jim: "Hey, do you like Crown the Empire?"
Hank: "Nah man, I don't listen to Gorilla Metal"
by Menico D'roh April 24, 2022
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A Delta Force team consisting of team leader Sandman, gunner Truck, marksman Grinch and all-around Frost.
Cleared New York's jamming signal tower, disabled a submarine, rescues the US Vice President, braves the Paris toxin attacks to get Makarov's man, then tried to rescue the Russian President's daughter.
Died when a diamond mine collapsed on them.
Team Metal are the oddball group you ever see.
by Kay Tutan Tayo June 24, 2019
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Metal that actually has an explosive snare drum and makes more use of the toms to create a more climactic and cinematic metal experience. It generally wouldn't drop below C standard tuning and would make great use of the voice to be dynamic and add vocal expression that enhances, mimics, and complements the guitar work.
Josh: Woah, is that some new Thrash Metal or Power Metal?
John: No! It's Super Metal! \m/
by av3nger June 2, 2017
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A punk sterotype who everyone calls neon punk but is metallic punk instead.

Fashion includes:
.cool pants
.long hair
.an acessory that is always worn
.colorful tops
.flip flops
.eyeliner and lipgloss ONLY!
.Liar (not often)
.jealous or mad often
.loves rock things
.has lots of hobbies!
Metallic Punk is also known as MP for short. MPS are very nice people with unique styles and lives.
Dude: Are you neon punk cau-
MP: Shut up, I'm Metallic Punk, live with it!
MP: Thanks, wanna be metallic punk too?
Dude: YEAH!
by sammey13 December 20, 2009
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A term describing the process of giving oral sex to a woman who is menstruating. It is derived from the iron-rich odour given off from the vagina.
I wanted to go down on my girlfriend, but she was on her period, so I realised I would have to smell the metal.
by Lord Plasma October 10, 2011
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Smartest Person Ever: Why only PLASTIC sporks here, and not any METAL sporks?
The Person Ever: I dont know, just somethin they do
by NotIsaacWasTaken March 18, 2023
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