A girl that can do anything she is mostly a tom boi but he put on a dress and rock it.
by fight_me or love_me December 18, 2016
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When a woman goes down on a male and eats out his anus and makes him cum at the same time as she does.
I just had a Denver burger , gawd.. ur ass was sooo fuckin good , that my tounge got caught around the corner of ur anus , ur taste of cum , made me get off at the same time.
by Colorado baby November 28, 2022
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During sex, this is when the male pulls out of a partner's mouth during a blowjob and ejaculates all over her hair.
Steve: "Yo, man, I gave Becky a Sovereign Burger last night."
Joe: "...God hates you."
by Darmsfacts September 18, 2023
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a american way of saying something is nothing or has nothing to it.
person 1: bro theyre not even doing anything
person 2: man this whole event is a nothing burger
by zeebopassione April 14, 2023
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A term used to define a series of social or political events that occur that can be possibly related or linked that would cause a dramatic change in the political climate of a country. Afterwards, then events being discoved to have no correlation.
Speaker 1: I'm freaking out this is totally gonna cause WW3 to happen!
Speaker 2: Chill out man, that was totally a nothing burger.
by Kawaiisenpai69 November 8, 2023
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