1) It's what you say to a chimp who doesn't want to tell you how he stole those Rolos from Russia.

2) What you say after one of your dumbass friends says a dirty or dark joke.
3) You. Get a life, you McDonald's cashier.
1) man that was really sus.
2) Bro that was messed up man ur so sus
3) Hey guys, look, it's that sus guy we saw on Monday.
by Wanders "Fuego" Silliams December 27, 2022
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He is sus
Oh you must be talking about Connor
by ggdduubb September 21, 2021
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Orange: Lime is imposter I saw him kill on cams, he vented, and sabotaged
Lime: Orange Sus
Orange Was Not the imposter

2 Imposters Remain
by JayPikachu14 July 4, 2022
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Girl: that dude looks sus
Boy: yeah its gavin
by Dom_Delo October 27, 2020
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When somebody is acting real suspicious, like an imposter!!!
by August 18, 2022
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