Intentionally getting a rise out of someone by expressing views or taking actions contrary to common sense or the person's beliefs.
Joe: Damn, I just lost all my money on the stock market due to the recession.

Troll: umad?

Joe: Stop trolling, It is not funny.
by DontUseYourRealNam3 January 24, 2012
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verb: To go around pissing people off. Jonas Brothers and Disney channel fans are often victims of trolls.

Noun: someone who trolls.
v. That fangirl pissed me off, I am going to troll her

n. God she fails at being a troll.
by AlisaGirl1990 August 23, 2009
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Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.
Guy: "I just found the coolest ninja pencil in existence."
Other Guy: "I just found the most retarded thread in existence."
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The delicate art of fucking with people's emotions or perceived conception of reality, logic or social norms either over the internet or IRL by adopting butthurtful behaviors and/or speech with the sole purpose of lulz. What is true to say though is that trolls are insecure people who want to boost their hurt confidence (often done by other trolls) by asserting their dominance over people they consider sensitive or at least exploitable enough to being hurt. Otherwise, trolling can be viewed as exercising overkill in verbal or visual sadism.
ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA. That is what you only need to know if you want to know what trolling really is all about.
by CYFAWZ October 23, 2011
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Being a Valorant Tier 1 pro team and having a strat on Fracture defense, where you leave one teammate alone in tower to die for no fucking reason
TMV: "Damn, this is even worse than the Aztec sacrifice, EG are just straight up trolling"
by ItsaMeekay April 3, 2023
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While hated by most, these people are typically non-social for reasons beyond their control, and manage to get that one glimpse at society by eliciting responses from forum-goers who, nine times out of ten, think they know everything and that anything that goes against the norm is bad. There are of course the assholes who do it just for fun, but a lot of these people are suffering: people with manic (or often just plain old) depression, people with real issues in real life, or people who's real life isn't as cupcakes and unicorns as people on the internet assume.

I say this because I know people in real life who many would consider trolls, and they "troll" on forums because they receive no attention from their family and very little from anyone else. They are saints for putting up with it in real life, but it'd be unhealthy to pent up all their frustration. So what do they do? They speak out on the internet, often in obnoxious and annoying matters. The very fact that people respond to what they say is important to them, just because they get satisfaction in knowing that some people somewhere acknowledge their existence, and perhaps more importantly their opinion. Believe me, most trolls you see aren't "a poor excuse of a human being". Their lives in real life is worse than many could imagine. Everyone needs to vent sometimes.

Forum-goers: U poor excuse for a human being you need to die

Troll (in real life): Man, I don't really like Naruto. But no one knows that. No one in my life give a flying fuck about anything I say or do.
by a someewhat smart guy August 29, 2010
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One of many unsung internet heroes who are almost entirely misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, many trolls are actually quite intelligent. Their habitual attacks on forums is usually a result of their awareness of the pretentiousness and excessive self-importance of many forum enthusiasts. As much as people may hate trolls, they are highly effective - their actions bring much of the stupidity of other forum users out into the great wide open.
Man, that troll really owned those dumb forum users who take themselves too damn seriously.
by Jesus Hitler July 25, 2005
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