Kim released another K-Prop video of North Korea nuking America
by clickeye3 June 28, 2021
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Giving acknowledgement or congratulations to a person who generated a large-sized or stinky poop. Usually given to someone who experiences poo pride.
Wow, Ted, my eyes watered when I walked into the bathroom after you. Well done. Poo Props to you.
by jigglebelly1 August 31, 2011
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The highest recognition a person can receive for their actions and accomplishments.
1. Jake was totally the top props man of Oakridge High: he could get Annie Meyers, the most picky yet hottest girl in school, to go crazy about him.
2. Alyssa Young became the top props entertainer in her circle of friends: she could sing, dance, play the guitar, was an excellent bartender, a great poker player, and the smoothest card mechanic
the world had ever seen.
3. Even though the bastard is crazy, I give Michael Murdock top props. He could seriously sell me an imaginary friend and I would buy it. He's that great of a speaker.
by solitude92 March 23, 2009
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Police officers who are put places to show a "presence"
Typically at high school football games & malls. They actually think they have authority because they boss around kids for standing in the grass.
Doug - "Yo, you just are that? Talk about a waste of tax money."
Gus - "Yeah, They be puttin Prop-cops everywhere like they be makin a difference."
Doug - "Right, and the jack-offs really take their jobs seriously. They're getting ready to pull their gun because these teens be loitering."
by Gesser September 16, 2023
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A person who is invited to a party or other social activity simply as filler, and isn't really liked much by anyone there.
After Danny got into an argument with a friend of the host, she ended it by telling him that nobody wanted him there. He looked around and found no support, and so he left. He knew then that he was invited simply to be a background prop.
by T. Fendlestein April 29, 2013
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A sort of pun, and or a facet of sarcasm.
Whatever floats your boat? *insert detailed diagram explaining exactly how boats float* is an example of Virtual Prop Comedy}
by candlenights August 5, 2018
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Wanking yourself off in a crowd.
I propped yesterday on the concert.
by YourNightmare666 August 29, 2019
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