When a girl with braces gives you head and gets pubes stuck in her brackets
My girlfriend just got braces the other day. She decided to give me head and later on, while talking to her mom, she smiled to reveal a smile full of pubes, the fuzzy grin
by big_papa February 8, 2015
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Brendan who has shat his paints on andy who needs to put my phisics book BACK IN MY BACKPAAAACK!!!
A-rack dacks fish-shack a wiggedy bang...
shack dag-a-dang shag a riggedy BAAANG.
by suck p33n December 13, 2004
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A grin that is full of nasty food particles.
" Sally just looked at me after eating her sandwich and she had a meat grin; Food was all stuck up in her braces."
by PlasticSheep December 4, 2008
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Sloppy mouth after person takes a loud in their mouth but doesn't swallow yet.
I looked down after i finished and looked at her slop-sided grin.
by WetKittywithfish July 21, 2023
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huge smile that simply will not go away, despite obvious facial muscle fatigue.
You've just spent all day in a Porsche, at the racetrack, with a professional driver coaching you around. It's 11PM now, you're in the hotel room, unable to sleep because your jaw hurts so much from the grin from hell you're stuck with now.
by runnamukk June 27, 2011
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