This phrase is used when indicating that both parties are to blame and that it is unfair to blame only one side without the other.
Sidney - He is a terrible person, she should leave him.

Maria - You can't blame one without blaming the other, she's not been the perfect wife.
by NutCracker288 September 16, 2020
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People who are living out a paradigm of denial after placing guilt on you for their mistake. They later defile your public image, to steal your success from personal sacrifice. Your defamation is the only chance they perceive for their lies to never be found out by mutual peers in the community.
I can't believe you kept a business afloat with a blame artist as your partner! You must have kept your eyes on the prize! Good job!
by neonbasement June 15, 2024
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A very irritating person who tends to blame you for things that are absolutely ridiculous.
Person: Oh shit that was my dog in my blankets ive been kicking for 45 minutes
Blame jew: Its your fucking fault you moronic sub-creature failed abortion fucker
Person: woah calm your tits jesus christ
Blame jew: YOU DID 9/11
by Foamyman November 22, 2016
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Thursday September 29th is a day where Teammates collectively decide to pick on someone and call them out on petty mistakes and situations and make them appear to turn out bigger than the situation actually is. typically this is done to rookies on a team and the seniors partake on calling the person out.
It’s national Blame Tadesse day, should we pick Tom as our victim?
by HolidayOfficial September 29, 2022
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a phrase you say if you've done something wrong
Jayden: Aw, I forgot to do my homework. Ben: Just do what I do, blame it on the wind.
by heylia17 March 26, 2015
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H B CAPITAL of the natural state of ARKANSAS hoooobJgan BLAMING stands for GANBJSTER'S AND GANBJSTA'S that blame some ONE FOR something AND attack if THEY feel threated by some one just LIKE the government if they cut off the benefits of people most likely they will blame and FIGHT against other government places is this american LIFE or hoooobJgan LIFE. HoooobJgan bLame blame the system's of America's government's. BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD Jr.
Im hoooobJgan bLAMing the fucked up government's.BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD Jr.
by LONNIE BJ March 2, 2020
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