when you are throwing blame, you blame someone else for the shit that you did.
1: He smashed those windows!!
2: Man, stop throwing blame you fucking shitsack.
by Purpose Inc. February 17, 2017
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When you can't think of a reasonable explanation for not contacting someone you had plans with.
Chris was supposed to call me last night, but he said his phone wasn't working. He's playing the tech blame game again.
by Ah8ter October 26, 2013
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Thursday September 29th is a day where Teammates collectively decide to pick on someone and call them out on petty mistakes and situations and make them appear to turn out bigger than the situation actually is. typically this is done to rookies on a team and the seniors partake on calling the person out.
It’s national Blame Tadesse day, should we pick Tom as our victim?
by HolidayOfficial September 29, 2022
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a phrase you say if you've done something wrong
Jayden: Aw, I forgot to do my homework. Ben: Just do what I do, blame it on the wind.
by heylia17 March 26, 2015
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H B CAPITAL of the natural state of ARKANSAS hoooobJgan BLAMING stands for GANBJSTER'S AND GANBJSTA'S that blame some ONE FOR something AND attack if THEY feel threated by some one just LIKE the government if they cut off the benefits of people most likely they will blame and FIGHT against other government places is this american LIFE or hoooobJgan LIFE. HoooobJgan bLame blame the system's of America's government's. BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD Jr.
Im hoooobJgan bLAMing the fucked up government's.BY LBJ AS IN LONNIE BENNINGFIELD Jr.
by LONNIE BJ March 2, 2020
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1. To immediately blame the nearest, most blamable thing for something/a situation when the real thing to blame is yourself.

This is most common with parents and leaders/people in places of power in establishments/companies, sometimes in governments.
Once, a kid got sick from second-hand smoking, and his parents (who were heavy smokers) blame shielded and blamed the kid's phone and the internet.
by Other_Person June 18, 2020
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