A short, rodent looking male with female fingernails.
He is also quite annoying most of the time, but is an amazing drawer.
He is very perverted and kisses up to everyone.
Person 1: He, have you seen that kid's fingernails?
Person 2: Yeah, he's such a Joey!
by Emekah. January 8, 2012
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1. the one and only jew.

2.he has a nice asshole, it is lickable. all can resist him but jimmy proper risk.
by foweesha September 4, 2008
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an ugly, boring, fag, guy that thinks black.
has a pizza face
by carlla August 25, 2008
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1. To pull a joey...to hack or otherwise corrupt a computer network
2. Baby kangaroo
3. The soul cause of racism in school house
4. General dropout chinese person who thinks he's the chosen one
3. common misconception that all asians are the same or similar to joey...JOOOOOOOOOEEEEEY! ffs why are there chinese people in this house anyway?!?
4. 'im going down for you guys...like jesus did'
by . .. ... .. . November 15, 2006
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Slang term for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, derived from the name of their prophet, Joseph Smith. See also, "pole-toucher".
"I'll have a whiskey double."
"Sorry, I can't serve that to you."
"Why not?"
"Because this is Utah, and the Joeys won't let me."

"Hey, do you want to go into that great and spacious building with me?"
"Sorry, dude, I'm totally a Joey."

"Excuse me sir, but why is your hand on that rod?"
"Because I'm a Joey."
by bortschuss April 24, 2007
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Usually a boy's name, but occasionally an AWESOME girl's name. The female version would most likely be really hot and super talented. She would also be an expert in the ancient art of Druken Monkey Kung-fu. She would occasionally pass gas in public, but it is ok, she is Joey.
Guy: Dude, what's that smell?
Guy#2: I think that super hot girl just let one rip.
Guy: Really? You think so?
Guy#2: Yeah, but it's ok, she is Joey.
by thetruph March 26, 2011
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1. A very unkind man
2. Normally tall

3. Gets very mad easily/ Will sometimes be named a drama queen
4. Just plain mean
Did you hear? He just TOLD her she was ugly.

Wow what a Joey!
by qwertyuioppoiuytrewqasdfghjk December 30, 2011
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