"Fuck the What?"

Commonly misinterpreted as "for the win", this simple, yet overly-confused abbreviation, is actually an interrogative sentence. It implies the confusion of the ASKER to the ASKED's initial sentence.

Arturo: "Fuck the &*X#@"
Ben: "Fuck the what?"
by hamonoakira January 3, 2009
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Fuck the what. It's like "what the fuck," except more confused.
Friend: Dude today I woke up in a land of magical unicorns and fairies and a miniature pirate gave me a pickle.
You: ...ftw?
by stephaz July 8, 2009
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FTW? - Fuck The What?

The reverse of the commonly used internet abbreviation, WTF, which stands for "What the fuck". FTW? is used as a question after someone says "fuck this" or "fuck that"; or after someone says "WTF".
"WTF man! that's my junk your grabbing!"
"FTW? Your grabbing whose junk?"
by Joe Mammy July 26, 2009
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ftw = for the win
ftw = also a gang but more commenly used as for the win
Horse number is going 6 ftw.
by Habsey May 26, 2006
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For Those Wondering (at the end of a sentence)
"ftw" can also mean "for those wondering", FTW.

I'm not wearing any underwear, FTW.

(after saying "time for some beer" in a chat where others may be in a different time zone)
It's 5pm here, FTW.
by poke smot! October 26, 2006
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I tattoo primarily found on white (caucasian) men that, when displayed to minorities stands for the usual "Fuck the World", but when in the presence of other whites it actually stands for "Forever Truly White". It is common with many radical white southern gang members.
Steve: Did you see David's new tattoo?

Mike: Yeah, FTW, fuck the world. He's always angry.

Steve: Nah it really means Forever Truly White. He's joined the skin heads, apparently.
by James Myrick January 2, 2008
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Feed The Wombat
Can be used to describe an activity that you feel does not need mentioning.
Originated in the online game Final Fantsay Online, by a character named Kitykatt as a response to someone asking what FTW stood for.
Bill: Yo, what are you going to do tonight?
Jeff: FTW!
Bill: Feed The Wombat?
Jeff: Yup
by GabeYo November 13, 2006
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