To slice the mouth on either side then kneeing the victim in the groin causing the mouth to tear. Popular in British prison.
I'm gonna give that nonce a chelsea smile.
by pippa from home and away April 18, 2003
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Chelsea is a city in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States directly across the Mystic River from the city of Boston. It is the smallest city in Massachusetts in land area, and the 26th most densely populated incorporated place in the country. There are 50,000 people crammed into 2 square miles. The population is 99.9% Hispanic/Latino. The only White people are the cops. Please bring an English/Spanish dictionary when visiting because Chelsea is like another country.

There are many liquor stores and drug dealers. You can freely buy and sell any type of drug you desire at Bellingham Square. Yeo, herb, oxy's etc...In fact, the benches at the bus stops are full of dope heads nodding off from heroin use.
Yo-I gotta drive out to Chelsea, MA to meet my connect. I need some perico
by parrot nose February 23, 2012
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To get extraordinarily wasted followed by a weekend of severe regret...commonly results in overall incoherency, brief skankyness before a quick emotional breakdown.
Man, that girl is Chelsea hammered.
by Chelsea hammered June 21, 2015
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A Chesea Dagger is a broken bottle used as a knife or stabbing weapon.
You hold for example a beer bottle at its neck and smash it into a chair or table so that the sharp edges can be used to stab someone.

Sometimes used by drunk footballfans therefor the name.
Mike got into a fight at the pub last night. He got stabbed three times by this london prick using a chelsea dagger!
by SkinnyNorris May 2, 2011
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Chelsea Merrells is someone who has crazy hair and awesome braces. Chelsea is really hot and can pull everyone. She likes cheese and wont fucking shut up when its the subject (oh and she also wants to go to Africa). She's a pretty cool friend and always makes people laugh. She has a really weird sister but i think her sister gets it from her- Her only somewhat normal sibling is her brother; but only time will tell, maybe he'll catch the disease. anyway, Chelsea if you're reading this have a good day :)
whos that?
oh thats just chelsea merrells, i'd go on my knees for her anyday
by yassy in your mums bed April 28, 2022
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when your car is on cinderblocks because local hoodlums stole your tires
"yo, dawg my whip got jacked for it's tires last night."
"damn they put your shit on chelsea rims."
by skitlz January 5, 2010
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