to jerk off sitting indian style with your non-dominate hand a very popular practice in leavenworth/lansing KS
dude, i talked with derek the other day and he told me to carson and i think it changed my life
by D-STAR March 30, 2007
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A person who is very bad at video games and just life in general. This person usually has weird fetishes for games with elves in them.
"Dude I'm carsoning so bad"
"Wow Jill, you are a such a carson with those elves"
"Bill didn't get the job? What a carson"
by teh_ownerer June 20, 2006
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the act of scratching your ass or junk in public and trying to make it not obvious when it totally is. most often done in a "casual way" when everyone happens to be looking.
"dude that chick was just carsoning TURN OFF"
by Poke me. April 3, 2011
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a very tall, tan person who has bird like wrists and no one likes but his girlfriend. If you have a carson, you are very lucky so don't let him go! Carsons tend to go after girls out of their league
Jane: That carson is pretty hot, but he looks really desperate
Lindsay: His name must be Carson
by Lifelifelife May 25, 2015
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One of the biggest fuckboys you will ever meet. He will be the best boyfriend ever and give you everything you want. Once he gets bored and wants something you won't give him he moves on and breaks your heart. He's a real ass hole.
Girl~your such a Carson just leave me alone
Boy~ how could you say that I'm way better than a Carson
by Erin the great and fabulous March 19, 2017
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carson is a term used to describe a guy with no life. he spends all of his time jerking off because he will never get a girl. his eyebrows were inspired by a catapillar.
wow look at that carson, what an awful person
by carsona May 20, 2016
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A boy who's annoying, rude, and says bad words all the time! Don't ever date a boy named Carson.
by Kaleighsid December 30, 2016
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