nice untill you really get to know him, a real bully, can change moods really quick, when nice will cuddle
person 1: hi
bart: hi
person 1: how was your day
bart: f*uck you
by da_smol_chez_boi06 May 13, 2022
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A chad. Made by God himself to come and cuck. He might flop but he can turn it around if he cares enough
Ayo Bart fucked my wife last night. It was cool tho
by WOO4PF October 22, 2020
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Bart is a very nice guy but sometimes he's scary.

he pretends to be cool but he's actually a very sweet puppy.

he's obviously in love with Ia, but he doesn't admit it.
generally you can call him "gay" .
"Bart's doing math for me." or "Bart is a hoe"
by viandante March 22, 2021
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Acronym for Blowies Are Really Toothy
Normally Rylee
Holy this girl Rylee gave me the worst BJ ever she’s a real BART
by June 9, 2021
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When you drink to much beer and try to burp and end up farting also.
John: That was a BART
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1. (adj) similar to saying something is trash or bogus or to feel like trash.

2. (noun) A combination of a barf and a fart
I'm Barts.
That's barts.
by Udorri September 20, 2021
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bart is the secret side for the word CART (cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript) peptides are neuromodulators that are involved in feeding, drug reward, stress, cardiovascular function, and bone remodeling. CART peptides are abundant but discretely distributed in the brain, pituitary and adrenal glands, pancreas, and gut.
Yo bro you got bart?
I got bart come tap in.
by narcartics August 18, 2023
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