British English slang for a man who is obnoxious but doesn't necessarily realise it. American equivalent would be Douchebag.
Co worker 1: I had to train that new guy the other day and he just wouldn't listen to anything I said and told me how he knows it already, yet he struggled by himself and kept asking me for assistance. Than he got all flustered and started walking around the workplace and getting in everyone's way. Co Worker 2: Yeah I know who your talking about, he seems like a right twat
by Dre_303888 June 29, 2020
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One who ruins a good time and is always negative. They cant handle their liquor or crazy trips. A name to call someone to stop them from ruining a good time.
Stevie: Oh my god look at that girl puking up her vodka.
Holly: She's such a twat!
by chilllllllllllvibes November 24, 2012
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A fucking little twat that steals your friends and pays them to hang out.
Oh look it’s the little twat
by I hate avi May 14, 2021
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harry is a harry
twat a complete and utter harry
by esdjwkurhfweio April 10, 2018
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Any device used to send tweets on twitter
Mark: hey dude I noticed uve been sending quite a lot of tweets from your phone.

Style: indeed. It os now my designated twat
by fatsalad3.0 August 12, 2009
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