Holding up 4 fingers in a picture means you are voting for me for 2022-2023 Student Leadership.
“Hey guys pose for a picture real quick, but Make sure to be holding up 4’s”
by 09287384 May 2, 2022
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Yanetzy is the coolest person in the world🫶🤭
They’re Holding up 4’s

Cuz I’m cool🤌
by me☝️ May 31, 2022
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Four 4 fingers up means you love a girl with a fat ass
Sarah: He must love a girl with a fat ass

Sophia: How do you know
Sarah: Hes holding Four 4 fingers up
by Yasminaaaah July 4, 2023
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When someone ruins a joke or kills the laughter in a situation
Way to Brent it up, you always ruin a good joke.
by Brentissoft November 19, 2019
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To fuck sth. up by getting angry or sad at the worst time possible ( like Eren Yeager from Attack On Titan )
"Yo fam, you banged that girl last night?"

"Nah dawg... everything was cool, until we undressed and she pulled up an Eren"

"Awwhh shit! She gave you the Eren? I´ll pray for you..."
by Element_UE June 19, 2019
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(specification up). Spec up is the term used when comparing two different devices with different specifications. It implies that one item is subpar and shadowed by the brilliance of the latter . It could also be used for non electronic devices. See examples for more info.
1. Superior Person - My macbook air 2020 has night mode
average schmuck - my pc doesnt

Superior Person - Spec Up!!!!

2. Two people on a run -

Person 1 - I am sooo tired, can we have a rest in a sec
Person 2 - Spec the HELL up
by Schmuck2003842 February 17, 2021
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