Loose wood is having an erection out of nowhere for no reason
by Hat_Man December 18, 2017
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Football, Basketball, or Baseball games played between the rivalry of “The Woodlands High School” and “The Woodlands College Park” for the reigning title of the superior Woodlands Highschool.
“Are you going to the Woodforest stadium for the war of the woods? College Park is starting mugshot mickey”
by Likelyjuice July 14, 2023
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The act of screaming I’m an onion Mason while nutting
Beth did a Dirty Woods on Ben
by Mc retard April 10, 2021
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When a man doesn’t shit for weeks. After a while the shit turns into solid stone then he proceeds to shit it out and uses it like a dildo
by Galaxo March 14, 2023
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Someone who «holds the wood» i.e takes a lot of dick.

Coined by HS TikkyTokky on the show Grilled with Chian Renoylds
Check this, I’ve got you saved on my phone as «wood holder»
by Colaenjoyer November 9, 2022
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A similar phrase to knock on wood, however it is used when one hits their erection on an object, typically the underside of a desk or table when standing up.
1: *hits erection on desk*
2: Ha, bang on wood.
1: What?
2: Bang on wood. You hit your erection.
1: Uh, ok.
by PoehlerBehr September 4, 2018
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