An over-rated taxi service that's hyped up because you can be anti-social and order it non-verbally.
"Call a taxi!"
"Ughh, I don't like talking to them."
"Order an uber then."
by gothamite239 June 15, 2017
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Someone who drives for Uber and is out driving a fair or waiting for one.
Are you out ubering today?
by allnightkiss February 21, 2018
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anything super super really awesomely mega big alot of.
Anything that is of the extreme of watever it is discribing.
The burger had an uber taste.

He was an uber noob.
by Allah's Jihad May 30, 2009
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bountiful or a lot of.
Can replace: very, or really.

Pronounciation: ooooo-ber
That's uber hot.


I'm uber intoxicated.
by Ledon August 12, 2007
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I Was Über Stoned Last Night At That Party, I Fucked Alice She Was Über Fun!
This Trip Will Be Uberly Uber
by Tal August 16, 2004
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