A space lawyer is one that will argue every point of space law same as a sea lawyer or “add place here “ lawyer
Toby is such a space lawyer , I just want to play the game but he’s arguing about rules again”
by Icepik86 December 15, 2022
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The reverse lawyer, breaks the law to get evidence, doesn't care about anyone except their client, will kill, to prove you are not guilty.
Person 1: Hey bro look who's against puff, what a moron!
Person 2: Bro, thats the Anti-lawyer, he should be worried.
by Bunga69420 July 3, 2022
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A lawyer who takes bribes on serious cases and asks for the judge to drop the charges.
This bribery lawyer has been known for working with politicians and other corrupted officials.
by Mr. Robotron March 28, 2019
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Someone who sits on the couch/chair/loveseat and only follows the case on TV, and bases their opinions on that case just by watching the TV.
You're such a couch lawyer, you base your opinions on what you see on TV.
by ZuNuKoo July 14, 2013
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Right but your creators are making derivatives of my content and Aaron owns the rights to those... So... If your not BUYING them from him... Do you own the rights to make derivatives? Did YOU think that far ahead?
Youtube Lady "I hAvE tHe BeSt LaWyErS tHoUgH!"

Hym "Yeah... BUUUUT! If the rules are on my side... And you aren't the rule changer... It doesn't matter how well you argue against the rules... Because the rules dictate the outcome.... So... Pay Aaron or be conquered!"
by Hym Iam August 31, 2023
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If someone says you have Lawyer Hands it means you're not a handy man.
You have soft hands, like a girl. Not rough hands, like a working man, that fixes things around the house.
You most likely play video games all day and can't even build a lego set.
Foo 1: we need help with this flat tire, call Edgar!
Foo 2: nah that bitch got lawyer hands, he probably doesn't even know what a jack is!

Foo 1: this Foo!
Foo 2: this Foo!
by fernvndooo August 14, 2022
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Emily Lawyer is a girl who feels very deeply, but never lets that show. She's and introvert who gets insanely drained from being around people who she believes don't care about her. If she lets you in and tells you something personal, know that you mean a lot to her. She trusts and loves way too easily, and always tries to seem happy around everyone outside her family in hopes that they will feel loved and wanted. Even when she's dying inside, she smiles. If she lets you know that she's upset with you, you've really hurt her, or she loves you too much to hide her feelings toward you.

Emily gets played and used quite often because of how trusting she is, and is quick to end things when she realizes something is toxic.

She feels like nobody cares about her nearly as much as she cares about them, so if you care for an Emily Lawyer, let her know how important she is to you.
"She's always smiling. She must be Emily Lawyer."
"Emily Lawyer is overly kind."
by LouisKablois December 31, 2022
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