Something stupid niggers say when they go off mindelessly on decent white people, usually after one of them is refered to as a nigger or any other colorful variations of the term.
Muthafuckin pale, white, pastrami eatin', cracka ass muthafuckin honky, what da fuck you say to me bitch!?
by Brian April 26, 2005
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A white person, usually ignorant and/or racist, for whom the racial slur cracker - while capturing the essence of the individual's personality - does not quite seem to fully capture the extent of the individual's ignorant and/or racist behavior without being used twice. The word "ass" is therefore used to break up the dual usage of the term cracker - not only to emphasize the insult by adding an expletive (for example the way "punk bitch" is enhanced: "punk ass bitch"), but also because using the same word twice in a row doesn't sound right.

Often used somewhat under one's breath in disgust after having just made a point about an individual who is indeed a cracker, or the aforementioned cracker ass cracker.
white guy with a stupid grin on his face trying to sound cool: "for shizzle, my nizzle"

any black person: "mothafuckin' what??? shut yo fuckin' mouth ya little bitch! ....cracka ass cracka..."

The cracka in Cracker ass cracker (also Cracka ass cracka) is almost never pronounced cracker.
by jiggajoo February 6, 2010
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If stupid mother fuckers come from the UPPER class then where does that leave your BA-LACK ASS!
whacked out crackas are just as bad as jigaboos but they dont smell as bad
by leroy mercer April 19, 2003
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the term generally used to describe white people. it embodies their two most notable characteristics:
a. their oppression (cracka being derived from the cracking of the whip)
b. their desperation and lack of game, with regards to female (honky, used to refer to the white people who would roll up in their cars and honk at black hoes)
the term cracka ass honky is acceptable in society, specifically because white people are too pussy to do anything about it.
Me: Fuck you, ya cracka ass honky. What? You wanna do something about it? Bring it, hoe. I'll kill you and your girl motha fucka.
White Person: Please, Mr. Brown man, let me suck your dick to make up for this. I'll do anything. I'll give you some juice.
Me: ....What the fuck is juice?
by Kheir May 11, 2006
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A stupid motherfucker who tries to act Black, even tho he comes from the upper class, and any Black person could kick his scrawny white ass.
Shit, time to mob on those wacked out cracka's, thinking they can be us.
by MC Ren April 15, 2003
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