To act like your shit doesn't stick. To walk with your head high and everyone needs to earn your time.
"You want that girls attention you have to ignore her and breath confidence."
by Vintagevixen March 22, 2015
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Self-Confidence is what you find within yourself when life tries to make a move at your insecurities. It has been described as the chess Queen piece of human life, killing all the little soldiers other participants send your way. BUT look out, flaunt your self-confidence too much and it might be taken by a bishop. OOPS. Confidence inwards.
"I have the self-confidence of Shrek herself, do not test me"
by thigh-clamp July 25, 2020
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Playing Confidence man is when a guy willing dates or acts interested in a woman to raise her self esteem
Linda: "Wow I didn't know Rob was into Michelle"

John: "He's not, he's just playing confidence man"
by Mrpayday February 21, 2017
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When someone, through some means (usually weight loss), gains a large and sudden boost to their confidence that turns them into egotistical dickheads. It can also exacerbate egos for people who were faking it and now that they have real confidence it makes them appear like they're bragging all the time.
Fella: Hey, did you see that Gary lost a ton of weight recently?
Mate: Yeah! Notice how he hates fat people now? And he scoffs at chicks that he previously would have crawled dick first through a valley of glass just for them to notice him?
Fella: I have!

Mate: Ya boy's got a bad case of Sudden Onset Confidence Syndrome.
by RussNuts July 16, 2019
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Loosely connected to evolutionary theory - i.e, a women's lips are attractive to the opposite sex due their similarity to a Female's sexual organs (labia lips). Using social media, women adopt an exentuated pout (in 'selfies') to elicit heightened sexual attraction; unconsciously communicating 'i am ready for sexual activity and super fertile'.

Women who do not adopt thIs approach in 'selfies' exude a confidence and low need for attention from others - hence they are 'vag confident'.
1) She's look amazing on her face book site , she is so vag confident
2) I'd really like to get to know her; seems so cool and natural. Amazing vag confidence
by Simon McG September 9, 2017
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Hym "The picture... Is 2 women staring at his fat cock... One overtly and the other is kind of side-eyeing it... What about that has anything to do with being a confident man? 'You see how confident I am in women's endless desire for fat cocks?' We're in euphemism land! We're in pretend euphemism land! Confidence? Jesus Christ!"
by Hym Iam June 11, 2023
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when you're not sure if it's a shit or a fart but you take your chances
"i couldn't hold it in any longer at my daughter's recital so i took a confident turtle"
by queerz4life November 20, 2020
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