To be highly intoxicated on crown royal and ginger ale as well as mass quantities of dank ass marijuana. In other words, you get fucked up in a classy way and dont't mind spendin the extra cash required to do so.
Damn son, last weekend I was high ballin it up big pimpin style, I can't remember shit but I know it was bangin!
by Saul-Daddy November 17, 2006
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Only going out and or spending money when one's mother provides the funds. Prevelant among the 19-22 unemployed sector. Originated in Modesto, CA between 2003-2006
Yo Ed you down to go to the concert?

For sure! Im mamma ballin so let me get some funds.
by The BKS December 30, 2009
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BJ stopped mid-BJ.
"man dog i had this girl over and she had to leave... damn man she left me totaly blue ballin.
by Nahojay&Nancy November 24, 2008
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Wearing fake items i.e. clothes jewelery, accessories; that have expensive brand names on them, in order to look like you have money when you don't.

See also: rebrand
Rico: "Look at that fool over there with them Foakleys on!"
Smitty: "Haha, that nigga is bull ballin' fo sho!"
by Nullpersona December 9, 2007
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1.when its too hot outside to wear drawz so you just throw shorts on straight outta the shower.
2.a funny way to sing the song free fallin by tom petty
1.its 108 degrees outside today, well looks like ima go free ballin.
2."cuz im freeeeeeeeee, freee ballliin!"
by Th3M1ck August 30, 2007
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1)Ballin Flossin (n) Title or appellation given to ESPN basketball analyst Greg Anthony in the 2006-2007 NBA season by Sportcenter host Stuart Scott

2)ballin flossin (adj) describes person or thing that demonstrates or possesses attributes of being both ballin and flossin in synergistic fashion that increases the individual factors potency beyond a level achievable separately

Related subject matter: Ballaflossaholicism. Although Greg Anthony uses his title in moderation. The very existence of concept ballin flossin begs the question can their be such phenomenon as ballaflossaholic as there have been known cases of people being ballaholic s and flossaholic s

Note: After consulting legal counsel I am told that this is not a violation of doctor client privilege, as I may or may not be Stuart Scott’s Ophthalmologist
1)example: Stuart: “Now over to BallinFlossin’ Greg (Anthony)”

2)example: Man that driver of that big bodied whip is ballin flossin
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1) adj - possessing an abundance of money, possessions, property, or other material goods. May be used as an alternate pronounciation of "balling" and "ballin'".

2) noun - a portmanteau of the English predicate "balling" with the Ebonic "G" (or the Hindi honorific suffix "-ji"). Used to describe an individual, situation, or object with well rounded competence, force of personality, significant affluence, and physical prowess.

3) interjection - a positive exclamation of excitement, awe, and total satisfaction.
1) Yeah Yeezy's got new shoes out. He is ballin-g right now.

2) Hey, Ballin-G, turn that music up and come hoop with us.
3) Ballin-g! My Red Octobers just came in!
by jArham December 17, 2014
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