A girl usually of a teenage age , that hangs out at skateparks and dresses like a skater but doesnt actually do anything but watch and giggle and genrally act like promiscuous little hussy fukker , which is good. i guess.
'' i heard jeff nailed one of those skateboard betties''
Who hasnt , that one likes fruit booters the best though .
by D July 24, 2004
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n. The urban skater's one-line manifesto. Frequently heard blurted out by skateboarding juveniles arrested for vandalism by means of a skateboard, truancy, or marijuana use.

Strictly speaking, the act of personal locomotion on a four-wheeled board is not a crime in any jurisdiction in the United States. However, many cities have outlawed skateboarding on public edifices because it results in destructive grinding and causes injuries, the costs for both of which are borne by the taxpayer.

Furthermore, the culture associated with skateboarding youth is widely held to be a celebration of delinquency: marijuana use, rebellion against authority, truancy, and other problems are known to be prevalent in these juvenile populations. While this is no reason to discriminate against skateboarding in general, it sure doesn't help the image of the activity in the public's eye.
(A boy, about 12 years of age, with long bleached hair and extremely wide corduroy flare pants, is recklessly grinding his way down the outdoor staircase in front of Town Hall on a skateboard.)

Police Officer: "Young man, did I just see you skating down that marble staircase?"

Boy: (stares sullenly at ground) "Skateboarding is not a crime."

Officer: "Take those headphones off while I'm talking to you. Now what does that sign say right there?"

Sign: "Skateboarding on Town Hall property is subject to max. fine of $250 or 90 days in jail by order of City Rev. Code 08-2776."

Boy (fidgeting): "I dunno. Skateboarding is not a crime."

Officer: "And what's this? Did I just see a dime bag fall out of your pocket?"

Boy (crying): "Skateboarding is not a crime."
by Carl Willis October 12, 2004
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A person who has never been a snitch, nor a bitch, and at the same time does not claim to be something that he is not.
I ain't ever been a snitch I ain't ever been a bitch, I ain't ever claim to be something I wasn't! I'm a skateboard nigga gettin' paid like a Skateboard nigga and you know who got it next!
by JuggaLotus12 October 22, 2010
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a women who has an extremely long face that resembles a skateboard and most of the time lacks a personality and thinks shes the shit
yo I was spitting my game with some girl when she turned around i said this hoe has a skateboard face i cant have none of that
by duce droppa November 16, 2007
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In gym class my friends and i snuk out and did some mad urban skateboarding on the green picnic tables
by zach March 13, 2005
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