RUTH, is a very nice person. shes loves texting. she has lots of friends and if your related your luuuuuuuckkkky!!!
Ruth is great.
by urrrrrrrrururur mom January 10, 2022
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Definitely the coolest person ever and is really chill and v awesome definitely the best person in the world
The world loves Ruth (omg so true so true)
by Ruthhhhhhh November 23, 2021
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the hottest girl belongs with anybody beginning with H ly xoxo
Ruth is so hot tf
by hottestbblxo November 23, 2021
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Ruth has a quick wit and can always be relied upon for sharp, sarcastic comebacks. There is a well-known saying of, "God I wish I had thought of a Ruth come back!"
An example... "No, no I am listening, it just takes me time to process so much stupid all at once!"
As soon as she puts her feet on the floor in the morning the devil says, CRAP, SHES UP!
She is intelligent and mega organised and can turn her hand to anything.

Her colleagues and clients will get a reliable, honest determined worker where nothing is left undone. She creates order out of chaos and creativity out of mess.
If you need someone to get you out of a shithole, Ruth is your woman!
She is ultra loyal and honest and if you are a friend of a Ruth you are graciously blessed!
Her only fault is that before she has her coffee it can be dangerous to approach her...

Have a Ruth in your life, it will make your life complete....
by CRAZYTHUMPGIRL May 20, 2022
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She is a kind sexy woman who usually doesn't flirt with guys but with doesn't mean she is a lesbo but shows her affection for girls. AND TRUST ME WHEN I SAY STRAIGHT A'S ain't no one lying the one I know got a straight 53/56 IN IB.

if u know me call me ;) that's her pickup line
and her motto is to study till 3 in the morning

these are all the stuff I have observed in a Ruth.
Don't be such a ruth, ruth. Studying 24/7 ugh get a life......
by udontknowmeanthu October 13, 2022
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Ruth Is the kind of girl that you can’t really detect... she tried too hard to fit in so her personality changes all the time. Nobody really knows what her real personality is like
Person 1: hey why was she just a goth and now she’s a ballerina

Person 2: she’s a Ruth
by Egg_boil May 15, 2021
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If you’ve met a Ruth you have come across someone extremely rare. She truly cares for everyone around her even when they do her wrong. Ruth’s have a STRONG intuition and can see through your bs.. so don’t even bother lying to her. She probably prays a lot and if you’re close to her she will most likely ask to pray for you. Ruth has many talents but she keeps them hidden; such as making art, singing, and playing instruments. Ruth’s are truly beautiful inside and out, but they are humble and don’t see themselves that way. They tend to be damaged and untrusting due to so many people taking advantage of their big hearts, so be gentle with them. Truly genuine people, Ruth’s don’t care about money or popularity. Most people are intimidated by her so not many guys try to talk to her, even though they secretly want her. Ruth’s are not like anyone you have ever met before, so they feel misunderstood. Her intelligence is much more vast than what others can see. Over all else, Ruth’s value God, family, and loved ones…they dream of building a healthy & happy family. Am extremely loyal friend and partner. If you get the chance to be in a close friendship or relationship with a Ruth, don’t lose her. You will regret it later when you realize no one else loves like she does.
You know Ruth too? I’ve never met anyone quite like her.
by bigheartedbaby November 24, 2021
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