The last great queen to rule in a long line of nobility. Although not born an heir to the crown, she earned her own right to the thrown with a fierce prowess on the battle field, sound judgement in the hearts of her subjects, and a unique love with a style of it's own. Although she abdicated the thrown to fullfill her true love, the history books remember her as the greatest queen to have ever ruled.
I'd walk at her side for a million miles. A queen as beautiful as Liz deserves it.
by Loyal Subject Always November 17, 2022
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A bitch who doesn't hav any chill. loves to insult people named sal. favorite sentence "kill yourself".
Sal: hi how was your day

liz: shut the fuck up and kill yourself
by 12yourmom.com34 December 5, 2022
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person 1; bro Liz just threw my backpack in the trash because she is mad about something she did to me
person 2:me too
Liz: Are you talking about me?! your about to be bich slapped bich!!
by AyoAiden08. May 11, 2022
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Liz - A very pretty person that everyone adores
by Rose Chubba July 17, 2021
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Liz is a beautiful unique name. The person who posseses it is beautiful, funny, charming, amazing, hillarious and a girlboss- alpha number 1. They are usually extremely good and talented in arts. A real Liz is a hardcore fan of any cat in existence, and has been chased by a chuhuwawa at least once in their lifetime. Liz is a clever and smart person, who can learn anything easily.

They're amazing listeners , and its honestly an unique eerience to have a deep conversation with them, the topics could go all over the place
Liz is also one of the best people you could have a laugh with. You couldn't feel more comfortable to make farting sounds near anyone else but them!
Typicaly, Lizes are not atracted to men of any kind, except of fictional ones.
Have you heard how Liz's hamster died?
Yes, it was tragic.
by SoggyBazoonkas November 20, 2021
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Kim Jiwon also known as Liz from IVE is only for Naoi Rei, they're couples and that's the truth you can't change.
actually me and liz are couples

naoi rei
by lizreigfs January 15, 2022
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Liz AKA the filter queen is a short tempered and hot headed specimen. She likes to tell jokes that aren’t very funny but she thinks she’s hilarious. She needs constant attending to or she will find someone to start a fight with. Once in a fight with liz remember to admit defeat or risk awakening the beast which will result in you regretting ever talking in the first place. Her diet consists strictly on bubble tea and pizza with the occasional side of bitchiness.
wow look at that cow it must be called liz
by moeydwwww October 20, 2020
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