A person who murmurs to himself most of the time.
by 28Deaths March 4, 2018
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Keegan is a great guy and even better friend. He can tell you funny jokes and make you feel better when you’re sad. He’s EXTREMELY chill but you’ll learn to appreciate it. He also likes cats.
Oh Keegan, yeah he’s awesome!
by ur_momshoe November 23, 2021
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A smart, yet likable chap who supports you in situations of stress. He’s usually the neutral type that brings the whole friend group together. He’s a nerdy boy who has a massive crushes on a few girls. Always makes you laugh with some good impressions and jokes.
by smackersmacksman June 18, 2020
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Average hieght, skinny, average cock, mixed with white and black, and a 7/10 at best. He plays lots of video He smokes weed a bit, but or else just a average computer nerd who jerks off to much and does well in school without trying. Once you meet him you realize he is a cynical atheist who is super offensive for the sake of it. Consistantly using slurs and not giving two fucks what people think. He loves guitar, PC's, loves coding with c#, and plays in the jazz band. The best way a Keegan is described is "He's a smartass and is a dick to anyone he doesn't like. Using sarcasm and subtle ways to fuck with said person, but he is a good friend and will listen when you got problems."
Random: Man that asshole is such a Keegan
Me: I am a Keegan I should know...
by MrWankpants October 4, 2019
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a heartless dick of a person who will drop you when they find someone better:))
hes such a keegan!
by iloveboobs6969 April 12, 2022
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