An idiot who thinks they are great at sports, and thinks that anyone ele who is not them is of lower worth, and that intellectuals are worthless. Not the same as real athletes!
Why have we not seen a definition for jock by a jock yet here?
by Sciator August 9, 2008
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"To be on someone's jock". Trying to hook up with them.

Sarcastic: Kissing someon's ass.
What happened with that chick the other night? She was jocking you pretty hard.

I can't stand that kiss ass. He's always jocking people more popular than him.
by Greg April 1, 2005
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I'm playing golf today and my jock is Carl Spackler.
by Joseph Josephson October 29, 2007
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English slang name for a Scotsman.
England beat the Jocks 5-0 in the World Cup.
by Da Beast March 24, 2003
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Trinidad slang: "jockin" is another term for jacking off
dat boy doh hav no life other than watchin blues and jocking
by marina a. August 25, 2007
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when you get messed up or fucked up in a situation.
ayy yo man that nigger just jocked yo shit up
by me and u May 22, 2008
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An athletic person who usually lacks intellectual ability and treats others like second-class citizens. Different from athlete.
Bryce is such a jock, he only dates cheerleaders and struggles to keep a 2.0 GPA.
by OhRlly™ December 2, 2015
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