Meant for a group of people without a father figure being present in their household. Examples include Dream stans, discord mods and many more.
Her dad left her after she subscribed to dream. Shes is now Fatherless
by UDAnonymous1 February 3, 2022
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A phenomenon which your Dad never came back with the milk in your house,beacuse of the following:

-You have no Bitches
-Your father wants to abandon you
-Your subbed to Dream
-You spend 12 hours a day on discord
-You support gay people
-You never touched grass in your entire life
-You never go outside since when you are born
"Albert lost his father since 1986,beacuse his dad never came back with the milk and now he is fatherless"
by Evokerrr June 7, 2022
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your dad went to get the milk/he left cause u were gay?, a furry? or maybe u just watched a little too much anime and ur obsession became so bad he decided to leave you because "I didn't raise my child like that"
"bro your a furry? you must be fatherless
by bonkersishatmyself January 15, 2023
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A word (Usually used as a stupid and unfunny insult) that is used towards mostly dream smp fans, furries, anime fans and roblox kids. For some reason people think its a good insult that will make the person go cry. It can actually be very offensive to the person, if they actually do not have a father. Usually used by "the boys". But, i still agree that some people can appropriately be called fatherless, for example if they are a zoophile, toxic dream stan, dreamsexual, etc. Fucking hell, its getting old /:
Friend 1: Look, that guy is a dream stan!
Friend 2: Such fatherless behaviour.
by CRY 😱😱😱 February 28, 2022
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Anyone who does not have a father. Mainly associated with Dreamstans, Roblox teamers, Vtubers, incels, you name it, they are likely fatherless.
Guy 1: do u have a dad?
Guy 2: nah I'm fatherless.
by Buttquack September 28, 2022
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The word "Fatherless" is used in situations when someone looks like they are not supervised in any way.
Person 1: "Nya~!"
Person 2: "Look at this fatherless dude"
by MicroFlood March 13, 2023
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The person that looked up the word: Fatherless
-some random person you don't know
by AlreadyInUseBySomeoneElse. February 22, 2023
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