A derogatory term for technical deathcore and technical death metal, coined by the infamous Metal Archives review writer Bitterman. Presumably conceived as a way to avoid calling the genre an actual type of metal.
"So, what type of metal do you listen to?"
"Rings of Saturn, mostly"
"Ugh, I can't stand that tek-deaf wankery"
by TheRealDiamond02 August 16, 2019
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On March 22, all roblox games will contain no sound in awareness for deaf people
Oh what are you going to be doing on the 22nd, Im gonna be playing roblox because its the offical Roblox Deafness Awareness Day.
by Pheas March 10, 2022
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Has the most lyrical, musical and majestic voice in the world. Could make beyonce cry tears of Joy.
Waleed's voice is so amazing. I think he's tone deaf!!
by ilikechickennuggets4 September 18, 2018
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A condition where a human thinks KISS (band) sounds good.
Rob: kiss is a great band
Colton: Rob, you are a tone deaf. Please get help.
by nickelbacktheGreat June 11, 2022
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A condition where a person thinks kiss(band) sounds good.
Rob: Kiss is a good band. I like their sounds.

Colton: Omg shut up Rob you are Tone Deaf. Nickelback is #1.
by nickelbacktheGreat June 11, 2022
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The lack of hearing emphasis on a word because it is only text. Capital letters do not mean anything besides shouting!
Girl 1: That rainbow is HUGE.

Guy: Thats what she said.

Girl 2: Didn't you hear the sarcasm in her statement?

Guy: No I'm text deaf.
by Hyundaisalesman July 6, 2010
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When someone ignores questions you text them and continue conversation skipping over parts
mom: “have you made a dentist appointment?”
Me: “have you seen my red shoes around?”

Mom: “no I haven’t and are you text deaf?”
by Legopuffer April 7, 2018
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