carrying a gun
refers to the way your trousers might crease when you have a gun
you don’t wanna mess with him he got a crease in them dickies
by Anonymous112374659 March 3, 2020
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Just as dangerous as regular Black Air Forces. If you see someone playing basketball or walking in creased white air forces avoid them at all costs
Guy 1. Woah that guy has Creased White Air Forces.
Guy 2. Let’s avoid him
by just a nibba tryna fuk January 25, 2020
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"yo waag waan that batty crease rude boy"

"why did u dip u batty crease rude boy"
by zebacus 10 ya dunno December 13, 2017
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1. See you later and I'm thinking of your mother's vagina.

2. Peace out, I want to fuck your mom by the way.
Douche 1: "Alright, I gotta go."

Douche 2: "Peace to your mom's crease!"
by The Grave Eater April 23, 2010
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When someone is in a bad mood; similar to "did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
by The shoe whisperer June 20, 2023
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To have shaved, bathed, used a deodorant, and have put on clean/pressed clothes.
I was greased up and creased up by 6, ready to go to the club.
by Dashing D6 June 8, 2011
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the worst type of shoes you can wear. If you see anyone wearing these, call 911
Dude! I just got some creased black air forces!
I'm calling 911...
by JoshuaYaBoi April 11, 2022
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