Anal in balls slapping the butt cheeks while fucking the living shit out of someone in the ass.
"Tonight, I'm really going to give that skank from the office a little cornhole up the poop chute. She won't be able to shit for a week."
by Sneeve Sniggardly November 7, 2011
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Follows a deep tradition of "laying pipe" with questionable ladies. It invoves the task of putting a condom on yourself so its done right.
Dude, shes like the village bicycle... everybodys had a ride! I hope you pack your own chute!
by bakonbits September 22, 2010
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One's orifice used in a manner to obtain financial or other benefits.
If I don't get this job I'm going to have to rent out the old profit chute.
by the number two May 22, 2019
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A pussy that can handle a dick as big as a log
*after sex* Damn baby you gotta log chute between your legs!
by Strippertipper September 10, 2017
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term used for:
1. someone who regularly performs anal sex.
2. derogatory slang for gay men.
Ex: person 1: hey man, I think that guy over there is a chute fucker.
Guy: I wANnA snIfF yEr Ass.
Person 2: yep, definitely a chute fucker.
by Sp00per February 8, 2018
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i met that jenny at the pub last night she loves it up the chocolate chute
by craig reid October 27, 2008
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