A powerful Russian monarch from the 18th century who was falsely rumored to have been crushed to death while trying to have intercourse with a horse.
That girl loves dick so much she's like Catherine the Great.
by L. Anders January 1, 2008
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To engage in the act of laughter with out ceasing for extended periods of time, while attempting to dislodge a melted conglomerate from the entirety of a snickers bar from the roof of your mouth.
We couldn't understand a word she said for near ten minutes while she pulled a Catherine
by Wouldntyou Liketoknow March 24, 2005
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Person 1: Hey who is the best queen in you’re opinion?
Person 2: Catherine Howard.
Person1: Yeah same, what a queen.
by Glare 101 September 21, 2020
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To run over a bicyclist and immediately leave the scene of the accident.
Dude: I saw this dude getting catherined on his way to work yesterday.

Maaannnn: That bitch must have been late to work at Taco Bell if she left him twitchin!
by Teacherspet1221 February 2, 2015
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She weird and funny but we love her. She nosey and doesn't understand what the word "No" means. She has a big butt and big boobs and accepts mainly everyone
Bob: "Catherine Wright stay in everyone business"

Jake: "But she thick tho"
by Wegotthis May 13, 2015
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St Catherines is a school that is widely known for rich bitches. Beware of the Year 10s they are naughty girls that don’t give a shit about school for that whole year.

The only time the school cares about something is when “drama” happens. The teachers love the tea that goes around the school. Some teachers would probably fuck the students.

The Year 7s thinks they’re top notch because they hookup with random dudes at gavos. Which results in them bragging about it for ages. Year 8s think they go through the most shit out of everyone. Year 9s think they are amazing but they are actually slutty teens waiting to fuck. The year 10s think that drugs are cool and they think being addicted is normal. If you look up drugs and smoking the definition is Year 10s. The Year 10s are the most sassiest, they have the most crazy drama which happens to end in weird shit.. Year 11s are actually starting to care about school and the Year 12s think the rule the school.
Dude 1: oh, a St Catherines girl ready to fuck.
Girl: Sure.
by hoeshaha June 2, 2019
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All girls school, some really sporty girls who are the “popular one”. Girls are either hoes or frigid. Really holy school.
Someone: what school does she go to?

Other person: oh the nunnery aka st Catherine’s
by Fuck dem hoes May 19, 2019
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