What people around the world, whom it is not known by them that which is good for them, are starved for.
Person 1: Thaart Theere is a deal, the footlong sub, only five dollars. Why... it's for less than a gallon of gas!

Person 2: bullshit!?!
by Florideutsch Boy April 11, 2008
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Bullshit, synonomous with nonsense, rubbish, etc, is quite the common thing for people in this day and age to undertake

People tend to talk bullshit about everything from being fat, religion,

Here is a great advocator of the anti-bullshit cause www.ihatebullshit.com
I believe in God! (That's a good example of bullshit)
by jonislaw November 15, 2005
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The chatter commonly heard by high school students. It's all BULLSHIT! "I got drunk on NYE and NYD". WTF?!? That BULLSHIT! That's underage drinking, you dumb fuck! Or how about "So I like went to the mall and saw like Bryant so-and-so from my like 3rd period..". Nobody gives a fuck, woman!. "I gotta go to work at like 3:00, dude." Ok, bigshot, so you got a fucking job. Who cares! "If you don't leave me alone I will turn this classroom into a hellzone!" Yeah, man, who gives a...no wait, that's not bullshit. That's serious, but I wouldn't blame the person who said that for being honest.
See bullshit under Chipmunk's tag. I think I aleady gave some examples.
by Chipmunk January 8, 2005
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Something that has nothing to do with the current topic being discussed. Also known as a BULLSHIT or Bullshiting.
Kuper student 1: Dude, you so nailed that speach!
Kuper student 2: Nah, it was total A Bullshit.
by pppllsuq November 19, 2007
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Term of disparagement and ridicule of (mainly) ideas and utterances.
The view that god is benevolent, or malevolent for that matter is bullshit. The entity called God is amoral.

Synonyms: bullshit, nonsense, drivel, hot air, crap, crapola, dung, bird droppings, dog poo, ratpiss, floaties, compost, manure, toe mud, indecorous, horse patties."
by atomou October 25, 2013
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"I'm an idiot who makes annoying bad movies about people I hate, despite them being popular around the Newgrounds portal ... plus I love iwillpress!" ~ Unaggregate
by Strawberry Clock Version 2 December 4, 2003
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When u say something about someone behind their back to someone else
Why u bullshitingabout me to people
by Lilly.brown January 8, 2018
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