The act of using hand sanitizer as lube, covering your urethra with it. Using the same principle as bubble-blowing, as you cum your semen will then mix with the alcoholic hand sanitizer. Your partner will prepare by holding a lit lighter in front of your penis then igniting your cum. They will then proceed to take it as a flaming shot and swallow your flaming fluid. Then completes "The spicy Almond".
Chad 1: Yo I just gave my girl the spicy almond last night.
Chad 2: Shit, did you burn her?
Chad 1: Yea but, she has chlamydia, so she has other burning lips to worry about
by shottymcshotface November 30, 2020
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A term for a woman's lady-part from an anterior view.
by December 15, 2020
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when you warm your lady loins while your roommate is out of the room
My roommate's spending the weekend with her boyfriend as a sex slave, so I'm going to be roasting the almond all weekend!
by nastychicken April 4, 2016
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Where a guy lays in a bathtub and thirteen or fourteen bitches (ugly or hot) shit on him till he’s swimming in the human shit waste.
After they have completed the task of filling the bathtub up with runny and chunky shit the man has to eat as much as he can to fill his stomach up. After that he then gags himself over the top of the toilet where new water comes in and flush the toilet then throws up the shit in the toilet. The toilet will then fill the toilet up with liquified shit and he has drink it all like a dog. If he is lucky he will get a couple of chuncks in it
I came back to my house and smelled what I thought was a California almond mound in my bathroom
by Big White Man July 4, 2021
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When a man nuts on a woman's ass hole and she farts the nut back at him
Hey baby, lets do something kinky tonight, want to try an almond breeze?
by Redline06 August 15, 2023
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