A funny movie featuring a funny obese orange cat who hates Monday’s who’s owner is Jon Arbuckle. Jon Arbuckle also makes some pretty good lasagna because Garfield eats that shit up. It is also the best movie of 2004.
“Yo, have you seen that one movie from 2004? I forget the name but it’s counted at the funniest in history.”
“Oh yeah! Of course I do. It’s the 2004 Garfield movie you dope.”
by Spencerschamber June 13, 2021
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yo man i would’ve tapped but she got garfield titties”
by owenmiller July 19, 2021
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A really fat girl doing things she shouldn’t be.
God, look at that Garfield try and get into that lifted Jeep.
by Thecrimsonprick May 22, 2023
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To me tired, pissed off, fed up with, or hungry for lasagna.
Tom: "I'm so garfield right now bruh, like you don't even know"

Jack: "Bro quit playing, I'm so garfield I could eat 5 lasagna's"

Matt: "You garfield bro?"
by soGarfieldBruh October 1, 2014
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Garfield: exists
Me: My lord and saviour please forgive me of my sins
by Ñüttŷ Pëêń May 13, 2020
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A lazy man or boy. Someone who is cowardly. A male pussy. A pushover.
Tim has been acting like such a Garfield lately he just lets everybody walk all over him.
by Plato Duque April 24, 2022
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