A person with no swag. But wishes they had it. Often jealous of people they can never be.
That waffle is so jealous of me. She is constantly in my mix.
by T$Jones August 13, 2015
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A dog that loves lsd. Has security cameras for eyes. Reincarnation of Jerry Garcia. Best mom ever. Does not like car rides
Waffles had a baby and it’s wang popped off!
by Joelsmom January 13, 2023
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A longtime weed dealer from Connecticut, real good dude, will give you the shirt off his back.
Yo y'all cop some of that new herb waffles got, yeah man I went over his house last week and he had me smoke DMT
by Oblock Sanchez April 19, 2022
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An overrated pancake who thinks it's better that everybody because it has better abs than pancakes
That waffle may have abs but it doesn't compare to pancakes
by Kimmbee June 17, 2017
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Pronounced with a A and not an O

The Northern England pronunciation for a potato or desert food item.

Woffle is predominantly used in American English, Southern English and by other soft folk.
Mam, what we Avin for T.

wAffles with egg and beans
by TheCaptain80 October 31, 2023
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1. A Waffle is made of sweet dough pressed between 2 hot pans, usually eaten with butter and syrup and typically eaten for breakfast.
2. Buff pancake.
3. Fail to make up one's mind.
"Can you pass the syrup for the waffles?"
"I'm waffling between getting a dog or cat."
by yessir386 March 10, 2022
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