adj. - A task made so simple any idiot should be able to complete sucessfully.
v. - To remove any thought or doubt from a task so that any idiot can complete the task sucessfully.
n. - The evidence that a person is an idiot for relying on an idiot to perform a task that needs to be "idiot proof."
We need to measure and mark everything for the subcontractor I'll be paying money to build this tomorrow. Make it idiot proof for them.
by Miss Management September 15, 2022
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Something idiots can use with ease.
M: I am wondering what to get R for his birthday. He is such a klutz.

J: Get him the new *phone, it's real idiot friendly.
by clarakent June 12, 2011
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when your friends do something so stupid. usally said by young kids.
riend 1: "bro we fucked the project!"

friend 2: "bro what are we going to do?!"

friend 3: "you fricking idiots!"
by 2ewd March 9, 2023
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Someone to blame when things backfire in someone else's life. There is actually no idiot brother, just like there is no boogeyman.
Girl- Its not my fault people reject me, it's my idiot brother.
by Solid Mantis June 10, 2020
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Someone to blame when things backfire in someone else's life. There is actually no idiot brother, just like there is no boogeyman.
Boy girl with buzz haircut- Its not my fault people reject me, it's my idiot brother.
by Solid Mantis June 10, 2020
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If someone is an einstein idiot, they are stupid put occasionally say something super smart.
einsteins idiot: "bro, cigarret companys kill they best customers"
person 2: "bro, that was some einstein idiot energy"
by nebisjammin January 9, 2021
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