To go Joe Mode means you would do something Joe from the Netflix series “You” would do
Brandie: on me I’m checking his location and we are gonna go to wherever he is

Emily: bruh we going joe mode right now
by Jodemfmode July 2, 2021
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To go joe mode is to do something that joe (from the Netflix series) would do. Sometimes you just scream joe mode for no reason
Emily: Brandie are you deadass looking at his location

Brandle: I’m going JOE MODE
by Embrand October 21, 2020
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When someone is much more thick in specific situation or environment.
“Wow, lil J in thicko mode today!”
by OtoBgang April 11, 2019
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Something great on a pretty boring day.
Actually happened, Santa Cruz:

Stoner 1: Dude, that's the guy that was complainin bout seagulls at the snack-shack behind us.

Stoner 2: Duh. I can see him. He ordered the same sandwich I did. The number #88.

Stoner 3: You guys went to the Crab Shack without me?

Stoner 1: This guy just had to have a pickle and red herring. It's number 88.

Stoner 3: 88's my second luckiest number Making for me.

Stoner 1:Go get one. Maybe a seagull will reverse mode on your forehead with seastar perfection and swoop it outta your maw tea-baggy style.

Stoner 3: I will. And I get your point. No more looking up chubby pomagranates on my phone. I'm so lucky...I wanna cry. D
by Rev Modé November 24, 2021
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When a man from the Balkans goes full racism mode on a person of colour for a reason that can vary from mild argument to losing a match in Roblox football. What usually proceeds is the man experiencing the syndrome called Lithuanian Ball Cancer, which usually cause the man to die within 72 hours
Youseff: Damn bro, Jeremiah went full Balkan racism mode!

Jeremiah: (Racist with Lithuanian ball cancer symptoms)
by weednosebutveryweed January 15, 2022
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When you drink Malibu and throw up on and then proceed to strip naked and run through the house punching other party members and screaming racial slurs at them.
Did you see Chris last night at the party? He went Chris mode.
by Chris_Mcbride November 8, 2022
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(Verb) Pronunciation: Duh-Pesh-Mode

Def. - To transcend any other "mode" known to man.
"Damn, that dude went full Depeche Mode!"
by Good Boy 69 August 20, 2021
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