Means what the fuck.
Other ways WTF is used is by changing the a
To another word.
Most commonly one of the other 5 w's:
Who, what, when, where, and why.
With WTF you can also change endings.
Examples: what the beans
what the shit
Dudeman 1: WTF (what the fuck) is up with yo mamma beyach!
Dudeet 2: Wtf (why the fuck) yo always be given my mom fly homie!?!
1:lets fight yo sissy gurl!
2: WTF (when the fuck) yo wann do this mutha fuckaaaa!?!
by Wtfiswrongwithyomamma July 10, 2009
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-Isn't my baby soo cute??
-No, he sucks.
by AZ4life January 31, 2009
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Westeren Trade Faderation
Her: Where do you work....?
You: WTF Bitch?
by Dr. Dentist October 15, 2003
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WTF means "What the Fuck".
Mostly used as a question.
WTF (What the fuck) is that?
by xstam February 7, 2008
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(car falsl outta the sky) WTF??? 0_o
by im a <*)))>< June 9, 2009
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Normally means "What the Fuck?" but can also mean "Wipe the floor" or "Wiping the floor".
Example 1- (General wtf)

Person 2: OMG A DUCK!
Person 1: WTF?
Person 2: Do you need a Mop?
Person 1: WTF?
Person 2: Or water?

Example 2- (Wiping the Floor)

Person 1: BRB WTF.
Person 2: Eh?
Person 1: Brb WTF.
Person 2: w.e bye!
by AshYouFreak February 18, 2008
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stands for Wild Taliban Federation.
The WTF is a secret organization founded by Mohinder Takabilani in 1999. The U.S only first received news about the WTF after a U.S spy operating within the WTF leaked the information back to the U.S.

George Bush: "Wtf is the WTF?"

U.S Spy:"The WTF is the Wild Taliban Federation, sir. They are a group of the most gangsta Pakiitis you will ever meet. They are currently plotting against you, because you are a piece of shit president."
by PlayaHateOnMe December 7, 2006
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