those who become chronic public masturbators when flacked out
oh look there its old joe the flacka jacker cranking one out in his front window again
by M I sofakingweetodded January 7, 2021
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A girl so pretty you don't mind if she steals food off your plate.
Dang man check out that girl, she's a real waffle jacker!
by thebroncosrule January 17, 2016
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Jerking off with a large jacket or hoodie over your schlong. This can easily be done in public without having attention drawn to you.
Dude, my girlfriend gave me a Jacker Jacket at the movies last night.
by JustaStoner January 14, 2020
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When some doosh (usually named Blake) jacks a beat (electronic focused dance music) that has been discovered by you.
"Dude Blake just played me the dopest beat, its a Designer Drugs remix of Countdown" Blake jacked this beat from you making him a beat jacker.
by Wisemandownwithharrybush69 January 25, 2010
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A man who excessively masturbates, to the point where his penis has grown in length exponentially, due to the number of times he has jacked off.
"Wow, you're cock is so big! You must be a package jacker!"
by RobloxPu55yEater April 24, 2018
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Eating Black Jack sweets before giving your bf a blow job then as he cums, choke on his jizz and puke the black jack and jizz mixture back up on his dick!
'Oh hey Zac! I did a black jacker on my bf'

'What's that then Emma?'

'Well I ate black jacks before giving my bf a blow job and I puked on him as he cum in my mouth..'
by JammyEm August 3, 2021
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someone in 3rd grade who steals all of the red crayons and markers. A blue jacker is someone in 6th grade who steals your blue.
Hailey: I like red, I'm gonna pick up the crayon and color with it

Dominic: Dude that red is mine (takes red)
Hailey: Dud you are such a red jacker
by wormy4evanobutterflies December 6, 2010
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