Expressing how hungry you are to another person. Even though you are technically calling the person you are expressing youre hungry too a mother Fucker, youre not really insulting them.
Normally said in a voice not your own, jokingly, to show that youre not really calling the other person a mother fucker.
Me: Motha Fucka Im starved
other Gy: Dude, I know right.
by ScottJMcDaid September 4, 2011
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If you have to ask then you never will be one

Troy H
Troy’s one bad mother fucker
by Halvyt July 17, 2018
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Someone dealing with issues while having personality and a bad ass sense of humor.
Damn, that Andrew kid is such a bad ass mother fucker!
by Kayce November 24, 2007
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An Average Looking Mother Fucker is a drop shot originating in Edmonton Alberta that involves dropping a shot of raspberry vodka in the cheapest energy drink you can find. Often used to start a night after getting zombied the night before.
by JunkYardDog11 August 20, 2010
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the act of fucking someones mother (if your really fucked up it could be your own mom also) in the ass and pussy at the same time
"Todd... you.... you, pussy ass mother fucker.... you dick sucker!!!"
by mark palmer March 16, 2004
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