its like when you shit your pants but its not fake its for real
steve: you got a splatter on your pants, what does that mean?
dave: i shitted my pants i am for real
by therealdumpsterfire February 26, 2023
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when things get really scary, but not really that much scary
I was so afraid that my boss would fire me right away, that I could almost feel the shit licking my pants
by Hybaj April 14, 2011
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A more extreme version(indicating more laughterness) of LMAO.

Considered, by some discerning gamesters, to indicate MORE laughterness than even LMFAO!

The word, 'freakin' may also be substituted with other 'f' words such as, 'flippin' 'flappy' or 'fuckin'
Its' all a matter of personal preference, imo!
Simplyknitting> Oh shit! I just attacked my freakin Thorn neighbour instead of that lvl 5 npc! Typed the wrong coords in!

Gobbledegook> lol you dumb ass noob, sk! ROFL and Laugh My Freakin Pants Off :)

mighty cale>Awww SK! But yeah, GG, i just gotta LMFPO too! *sigh now we gotta get sk outta the shit!*

It has also been known too add the word 'big' and/or 'Smelly' into the mix. I feel this is quite acceptable i.e. Laugh My Freakin Big Smelly Pants Off.

Other variations may include the use of a relatives' pants:-

Laugh My Mothers Freakin Big Flappy Pants Off

Laugh My Sisters' Smelly Pants Off

Laugh My Grandads' Freakin Smelly Big Flappy Pants Off

But it can all get a bit out of hand and become too cumbersome! LMGFSBFPO! :)
by SimplyKnitting July 16, 2010
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Kinda self explanitory... i think, therefore I am!
"Dude, I just got my 'ninja's are so cool they make me wanna crap my pants t-shirt' I'm so happy, and need to change my pants!"
by meximelt March 6, 2004
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This is a term used while you are bending down and picking up something off the floor and as you do so your pants get ripped or torn. Performing manual labor.

Danny B was loading some cigar boxes and all of a sudden he Screams out load "Fuck" and tells me. Dude I just " ripped the ass out of my pants" and I just bought them.
Loading some boxes over head and screamed "Fuck dude I just ripped the ass out of my pants"
by Mejo December 16, 2014
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