When a business offers and promises "customer service" but actually has an office meant to disservice the customer and keep them from getting the service they were promised and are entitled to. Often staffed by mexicans since they are good at screwing things up and doing nothing right.
So I bought a new tracfone and tried to switch over my old tracfone's numbers and minutes to it. After a week of dealing with the stupid, lying, incompetent pedros in their customer disservice department I just said "Fuck it". They got me for the new phone, the memory for it and the card, but at least I'm not having them steal more of my life wasting time trying to get it to work anymore.
by doktor strangelove August 17, 2011
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firstly piss on your left hand, then pick up your phone with only the palm of your left hand, while positioning your right hand on the back of the phone and with your left hand swipe up and down several times and todah! custom splashscreen for mobile
mondieu on construct 3: How to make custom splashscreen for mobile?

me: hahaha i know how :)
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We don't talk about that place...

I got banned from The Beatles Rock Band Customs Server for arguing with the mods who were trying to convince me that there were 15 genders
by A Guitar Hero 3 Les Paul January 25, 2021
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Saying this at a grocery store or any store (e.g Farm Boy, Sobeyes, Walmart etc.)
The teenager somehow got to the intercom in Walmart and said, "ATTENTION CUSTOMERS: I DID YOUR MOM"
by BabbleBoy February 4, 2023
SSJELBH, The user gathers the energy from the previous forms of SSJEL commonly known as Electricity, Cremation/Blue Fire and Dark magic. You put the SSJLE 1 2 and 3 together and Create overwhelming power known as black hole
Other people: SSJELBH Looks very laggy;-;
Me: SSJELBH Super Saiyan Simulator 2 Custom Form by Shy Gal Lily YT
by Shy Gal Lily YT June 19, 2019
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A free web based dating organization which ought to be maintained a strategic distance from no matter what. Loaded with messy elderly people men and no-hoper adolescents with grimy underwear urgently looking for alluring young ladies. What's more, with respect to the photos - when the hellfire did you last observe a lady who resembled that and expected to utilize a free dating organization? Somebody I am aware of inspected a photograph intently and was certain he could see the staple cut openings where it had been removed of a shiny magazine.

Progressively like Plenty of Fishy Fannies.
POF Customer Service Number 1-855-200-2221
by Pplleennttyyofffiisshh January 7, 2019
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