A word used to describe an annoying person who is partaking in something irregular/strange
John walked in a funny way, someone would say:

“John is a little critter
by DrakeTheKool May 9, 2023
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critter is a furry
critter is a furry
by Kipperson October 30, 2023
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Critter: Used to describe someone who has been arrested no less than ten times for petty shit. Someone who is on a first name basis with local police and jail staff. A crackhead, meth-head and/or drug addict. It is rare that drugs are not involved but it does happen. Most often someone who is one step above being homeless. Also someone who will steal your stuff then lie to the cops. Has no more than 5-6 teeth and whose face looks like a coffee cake. Generally works odd job for no more than 2 months due to constant arrest. This is also a person who finds employment through various manual labor temp places like Rent-A-Drunk. Mostly found living with other critters. Usually drives a shitty beat up pickup or a sub-compact Toyota.
Hey dude, check out that guy over, is he walking our way?
Bro, lock your shit. RJ says that guy is a critter.

Mike, look at all those crackheads. I saw a couple of those critters picking up cans and looking through trash being Bob’s Liquor Store.

Hey man, whose the new guy holding sweeping the yard?
You gotta watch that guy, I got him from Rent-A-Drunk, he’s a critter.
by Tronald John Drump October 18, 2021
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N. Any small computer periphery other than a mouse; frequently connected via a USB port.
He has so many critters attached to his computer I can't find the damned mouse!
by Pheaseant October 31, 2011
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n. critter /ˈhrɪtər/ krih-tər
a person in their late teens or early twenties, usually male, who consistently exhibits at least three of the following characteristics, which cannot be contributed solely to their mental or physical health
i. a habit of ignoring the social cues of others to favor their own agenda
ii. poor hygiene, particularly greasy hair and body odor, that cannot be contributed to economic or health issues
iii. a habit of invading other's space and privacy

iv. an inability to take no for an answer
v. a tendency to lecture an expert on a subject on said subject
vi. a habit of over-complimenting and/or asking invasive personal questions
vii. a habit of being condescending or patronizing towards peers
viii. a belief in the entitlement to a reward for basic human decency
That critter keeps getting in my face and explaining how I should have done my presentation, and I might faint from his breath.
by matoakabeach November 4, 2021
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a very cute critter
by zawaiscute August 15, 2022
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Games so shit, they are good
You: I need a game to play!
Them: I have a critter game you can play! It's called "Jones on Fire"
You: Sweet Thanks!
by OMEGALULL May 20, 2018
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