Your final words after successfully seducing your husband’s boyfriend’s killer and unbeknownst to him have hidden a package of C4 in your pussy/ass.
Husband’s BF’s Killer: H-how come I can’t go any deeper?
You: Hasta La Vista, Dipshit!
*Fucking Dies*
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Person-"omg youre such an erin" The dipshit "dont call me a dipshit"
by lulu&sign December 8, 2018
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Your Ex-boy-friend.
Boyfriend: Hey I wanna break up. Your an ugly bitch and I don’t want to be known as the guy who dated you.

You: You dipshit!!!!!!
by Damntheworld November 5, 2019
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Leeds united and all of their supporters
Dipshit lose to Manchester United again.
Dipshit takes the L.
Dipshit was never better than Manchester United.
by Theunurbandictator September 14, 2022
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